Producer Pick: Amal Sumarin

To commemorate five years of Unsettled, we’re closing out 2022 by diving into our archive. Each member of the team has picked a favorite past episode to republish. For this episode, producer Emily Bell shares a documentary produced in collaboration with the +972 podcast. The documentary tells the story of Amal Sumarin, who lives with her family in East Jerusalem, in the Palestinian village of Silwan. However, they have been at risk of being forcibly evicted from their home for decades.

This episode was produced by Ilana Levinson, Max Freedman, and Emily Bell. Music from Blue Dot Sessions. Special thanks to Henriette Chacar and Edo Konrad at +972; Asaf Calderon, Uri Blau, Ayat Yaghmour, Hagit Ofran, and Leena Dallasheh.

For more on the Jewish National Fund, listen to our interview with activists Maya Rosen and Daniel Roth.

To hear all our 5 year anniversary producer picks, check out this Spotify playlist.

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