Escalation in the South Hebron Hills: Musa Abdullah Ali Awad

Musa Abdullah Ali Awad lives in the village of Isfey al-Fauqa. Isfey is located in a part of the West Bank called Masafer Yatta, where Israel has total civil and military control. While the Israeli military has claimed for decades that much of the area is a “firing zone,” they were prevented from forcibly evacuating the villages because of an ongoing legal case. Last spring however, Israel’s High Court of Justice issued its final ruling – in favor of the military and against the Palestinians. At the beginning of January, the army informed Palestinian officials that they would soon begin carrying out the forced transfer of more than a thousand people from eight villages. One of those eight villages is Isfey – where Musa lives. Here, Musa talks about the only home he's ever known, Isfey al-Fauqa.

This episode of Unsettled is reported and translated by Ali Awad, who was featured in our last episode. Addition translation from Alaa Hassan.